BrandPlan | Startup

For Startups & Businesses That Need to Rebrand 

If you’re an entrepreneur like me… 

You are passionate and dedicated to your business.

You want to make money doing what you love,  while living life on your own terms.

You want to build a brand that matters to people who care.

You’re a lifelong learner who knows that knowledge and action is the key to wisdom.

You’re wired differently and challenge the status quo because there’s nothing great about being average.

You most likely want the same things I wanted…

I wanted more customers I loved who were willing to pay what I was worth.

I wanted to become a brand in demand and charge a premium for what I was selling.

I wanted my customers to buy more frequently and tell their friends about my business.

I wanted to scale my business faster and easier.

I wanted to follow a proven step-by-step plan that gave me confidence building  my brand.

I can empathize with you because I felt exactly how you are feeling…

I felt unsure about what my brand was and how to articulate it to others.

I felt like people undervalued my skills and weren’t willing to pay me what I was worth.

I felt overwhelmed from all of the advice coming at me from every direction.

I felt like I never measured up to my competitors and was frustrated when my customers left me for them.  

I felt insecure about posting on social media because I didn’t know what I should be saying.

While studying the world's greatest brands I made a powerful mindset shift!

I was looking for the answers in all the wrong places and had them inside me the entire time.

It felt like my past experiences were all connected and gave me the unique value proposition I have today.

I started leaning in to who I really am, to separate myself from everyone else because being yourself is always on brand.

I could see the winning strategies everywhere. It was all around me and was so obvious. How did I not see this the entire time? The best brands in the world were using the strategies on me. Actually I was part of their brand strategy – we all are.

I was having an epiphany almost daily as I started connecting the dots. I was energized and created massive amounts of momentum that inspired me to build something bigger than myself.

I needed to test my research and share it with others.

I extracted the brand strategies from the world’s greatest brands and distilled their wisdom into a step-by-step BrandPlan

It transformed my business!Now...

I attract the clients I love who understand my true value

I present myself authentically online and engage my target audience by speaking about what matters to them.

I made my brand an authority in my marketplace and I am in demand which allows me to pick and choose who I want to coach 1 on 1.


I deliver on my brand promise consistently resulting in loyal customers who buy my products and services more often.

I stand out in my crowded market and my  target audience identifies with me and sees me as the best solution to solving their problems.

I feel confident in who I am and what my brand is and have never been so laser focused on executing my vision.

I am scaling my business faster and easier by following a step-by-step plan.

I am building a brand that matters to people who care and live a fulfilling live on my own terms.

You can too! I will guide you step-by-step. 

Brand Strategy

Feel Confident By Gaining Clarity

Purpose: Uncover your purpose, this will drive the success of your business and create a fulfilling life. 

Vision: Create a crystal clear vision so that the entire organization knows where they are heading. 

Mission: Create a committed mission that your staff and customers join to make your vision a reality. 

Belief System: Stand for something and create a belief system that resonates emotionally at the core of your target audience.   

Value System: Create a value system that guides all company decisions and unites staff and customers with your brand.

Market Analysis: Analyze your competitors, audience and the marketplace factors that impact your brand’s success. 

Competition Analysis: A deep analysis of your brand’s competitors that will create a brand strategy to  make your competition irrelevant.

Define Target Audience: Understand exactly who your brand serves so you can effectively communicate with them and cut marketing budgets significantly. 

Define Ideal Customer Profiles: Research and reveal everything about your dream clients so your brand will attract them like a magnet. 

Unique Selling Proposition: Uncover what makes your business unique and why customers should choose you instead of other businesses selling the same products and services.

Positioning Statement: Your positioning strategy will allow you to effectively influence the  perception of your brand using the unique value you provide your customers in relation to your competition.

Brand Personality: Craft the perfect personality your ideal customer craves. 

Brand Tone of voice: Create a tone of voice that consistently expresses your brand’s personality so your customers can easily identify and relate to.  

Brand Language: Create your brand’s body of terms, phrases, and words that describe your brand, its products, and services.

Brand Vocabulary: Create a strategic brand vocabulary for the most effective communication, while always being ‘on brand’. 

Core Primary Messaging: Make your target audience quickly understand your unique value and why they should choose you over others with a simple and clear messaging strategy. 

Core Secondary Messaging: Support and enrich your primary message with your core emotions that resonate deeply and give your brand meaning to your target audience.

Brand Storytelling: Tell compelling stories that stick and influence your audience to buy easier and more often.

Hook: Create an irresistible hook that grabs your prospects attention leaving them wanting more.

Pitch:Communicate your unique and why you are the best option for your target audience with a compelling pitch.

Brand Name: Create a remarkable brand name that appeals to your target audience.

Tagline: Create an unforgettable tagline that quickly conveys your differentiator or your brand essence with the simplest form of communication using language.   

Brand Promise: Create the value experience your customers can expect to receive every single time they interact with your company. 

Brand Essence: Create the core characteristics and intangible attributes that define your brand and give it an emotional element that creates feelings for your audience unlike any of your competitors.

*All design provided in Brand Identity option 

Brand Visual Identity System:A complete visual system that provides unity, flexibility and consistency across all brand touch-points.

Logo: A one of kind design that is sure to make you stand out and attract your ideal customer.

Secondary Logo: an alternate logo optimized for specific sizing that compliments your primary logo. 

Brand Sub-mark: a variation of the logo, used in situations when your primary and secondary logo is not ideal.

Brand Patterns & Textures: create strong brand recognition, while bringing depth to your brand identity and creating a memorable brand experience.

Brand Colour Palette: Use colour to your advantage to express your brand’s personality and attract your ideal client.

Brand Imagery: Express your personality and strategically appeal to your ideal client using images that resonate with them and communicate what you want to mean to them.

Visual Tone: Create a specific difference between the lightest and darkest areas in your identity system that maintain a consistency and enhance the overall look and feel.  

View Brand Strategy Example

Unlock Your True Potential

Perfect for
Startups & Rebranding

View Brand Identity Examples

I help you transform your business by solving your biggest problems through strategic brand coaching. 

Brand Strategy Intensives that help you….

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Charge a premium and increase profitability
  • Become the authority in your market
  • Get more of the clients you love
  • Increase brand loyalty
  • Scale your business
  • Dominate your industry
  • Get more referrals

BrandPlan Startup Includes

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy private intensives to give you the clarity and confidence you are missing.  Branding wizard Mitch Sanker will guide you through a 2 week journey to build a brand that matters using the proven step-by-step brand strategy from the world’s greatest brands.  

Brand Identity

A memorable visual system that attracts your target audience and maintains consistency through all touch-points.

Valuable Session Recordings

Look back a your valuable lessons learned from the branding wizard Mitch Sanker whenever and as often as you like.

Time-Saving Templates

Every journey has it’s shortcuts and our time-saving templates make starting and growing any brand faster and easier.

Unlimited Expert Guidance

Along your journey you will receive expert guidance on brand strategy, brand touch-points, and any marketing campaigns you are currently working on.

Digital BrandPlan

Your very own BrandPlan that gives you the clarity and confidence you have been missing so you can start growing your business faster and easier. Share your BrandPlan with your team and achieve true brand alignment.

Stop running your business without a plan. 

It’s time you…

✓  Attack your goals with EXCITEMENT because you feel ENERGIZED and in control. 

✓  Embrace what you’re most PASSIONATE about, and build a brand that transforms the lives it touches.

✓  Shift your mindset from your limiting beliefs holding you back, to a GROWTH MINDSET that creates abundance in all areas of your life.

✓  Articulate your unique VALUE so you can write that book, start that podcast, create that course, speak at that event, and position your business as an authority in your marketplace. 

✓  Cultivate your tribe of like minded people who believe in you, share your same values and join you on YOUR MISSION

✓  Share COMPELLING stories that move your audience EMOTIONALLY through their customer journey. 

✓  Embrace the next phase of your business with CONFIDENCE and CLARITY so you can take action on what actually moves the needle. 

My Mission

I am committed to teaching 1 million ambitious entrepreneurs like you to build a brand that matters so you can live a fulfilling life on your own terms. 


Strategic Brand Coaching is right for you if:

  • You like having someone to motivate you and hold you accountable
  • You are a new entrepreneur and want easy access to wisdom from someone who is doing it too
  • You want an expert to help build your brand
  • You want to save time and fast track your brand’s success.
  • You want to minimize your risks and prefer to have someone hold your hand every step of the way.
  • You want an experience completely personalized to you and your business.


Coming Soon

You Can Expect

Confidence 99%
Clarity 98%
Expert Guidance 97%
Motivation 96%
Accountability 95%

Who I Work With

 Ambitious Entrepreneurs 

Non-Profit Organizations   

Service Professionals  

Real Estate Agents



Small Businesses 

Marketing Directors

Building Your Brand Is An Investment In Your FutureWhat Do You Want Yours To Be?

BrandPlan Startup

Brand Strategy


BrandPlan Startup

Brand Strategy & Identity
